Foyles for the future! The brand-new Foyles App.
Welcome book lover, you are among friends.
With the Foyles App it's never been easier to:
- Browse for the best books: everything new, notable, and impossible to ignore.
- Discover the best international, inspirational, and insightful literature.
- Earn, redeem and track your Foyalty rewards.
- Track everything you want to read in one place: build, manage and share wish lists.
- Check our stock and then Click & Collect to reserve it in your local shop.
Download the app now...
How do I get the app?
To download the app click the links on this page for your device app store or simply search for 'Foyles' via your mobile app store. Currently the Foyles app is available for Apple and android mobile phones only.
Can I continue to use my plastic Foyalty card?
Of course! You can keep using your Foyalty card as you do now, as well as using the app. Simply make sure you have completed registration for your plastic card and then log into the account linked to it on the app and any Stamps collected on either the app, website or by using your plastic card will count towards your balance.
My phone can't be scanned, what do I do?
If the scan fails, try turning up the brightness on your handset and try again - it might be that some light is reflecting off the screen and interfering with the scanner so try holding it vertically. If you are still experiencing problems, ask a bookseller who will be able to access your card number from the app and manually enter this at the till point.
Still Have a Question?
If you have a general question about how our loyalty scheme works, your account and the points you've earned, you might want to read our Foyalty FAQs. For any other questions, or further help and information, please see our terms and conditions, or contact us here.