A thorough understanding of how to conduct fatal accident claims is essential in order to calculate and secure maximum damages for dependents. Fatal Accidents deals with everything from the inception of a claim to its conclusion. The focus is both practical and comprehensive and includes clear explanations of areas that are usually only available in more encyclopedic publications. Key contents include: - claims under the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 - claims under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 - apportionment and interest - claims for psychiatric injury - applications for compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority - law and procedure relating to inquests. Each chapter begins with a concise summary which should allow the busy practitioner to pick up the salient points with ease. Relevant precedents, statutes and schedules of loss are appended.
- Publisher: The Law Society
- ISBN: 9781853289576
- Number of pages: 288