Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks: IFIP TC6 WG6.7 International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks, 2–5 September 1997, Paris, France
The IFIP International Working Conference on Intelligent Networks '95 was held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen. The conference was organised jointly by the Center for Tete-Information at DTU and Tele Danmark Research! during August 30-31 1995 and was hosted by the Center for Tete-Information. The conference was sponsored by IFIP TC6. The papers contained in this book are edited versions of the papers from the conference and some of the tutorial presentations that were arranged prior to the conference. The mixture of tutorial papers and conference papers gives a broad and yet thorough coverage of activities and central areas of development in the IN world at this point in time. Future developments, especially in the area of extended mobility support and multimedia capabilities, are also pre sented. BACKGROUND The theme of the conference was the two major trends in Intelligent Networks (IN) develop ment: • ITU and ETSI based IN standards, such as CS-1 and the upcoming CS-2 and • long term development as undertaken by, for example, the TINA consortium and the Euro pean RACE and ACTS programmes. The present IN technology based on capability sets is on its way into the networks, and opera tors are pushing for open platforms to be deployed in the networks in the near future in order to obtain greater freedom in selecting platforms for service provisioning.
- Publisher: Chapman and Hall
- ISBN: 9780412789007
- Number of pages: 308
- Dimensions: 235 x 155 mm