The Definitive Reference for Obstetric Ultrasound
- The most comprehensive work on obstetric ultrasound available, with over 1500 superb illustrations (700 in color)
- Textbook and atlas in one
- Combined with the gynecologic volume, provides an archive of information and images that leaves no question unanswered
- Screening, biometry and organ biometry, detailed and systematic diagnosis of fetal anomalies, multiple pregnancies, abnormal pregnancies
- Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound, Doppler and color Doppler scanning, 3D ultrasound, ultrasound-guided invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- The ideal reference work for sonographic findings in frequent and rare malformations and syndromes
- Actual specimens shown next to ultrasound images for comparison.
- Publisher: Thieme Publishing Group
- ISBN: 9783131318824
- Number of pages: 650
- Weight: 2970g
- Dimensions: 310 x 230 mm