
Easter Activities at Foyles Charing Cross Road

Easter Holiday Activities

Sun 31st March - Friday 5th April

Foyles Charing Cross Road

Sunday 31st March to Friday 5th April

Easter Treasure Hunt

Help us kick off our week-long treasure hunt by finding all your favourite characters hiding in amongst our bookshelves. Prizes to be won for every little explorer who finds them all!

Our treasure hunt continues all week long. Ask at the till for a treasure map.

Monday 1st April, 3pm

April Fool’s Special

Join us for some trickster tales and make your very own Poisson Rouge (Red Fish) to take home and fool your friends and family.

Tuesday 2nd April, 3pm

Thank You by Jarvis - Storytime and Collage Activity

Listen to a reading of Jarvis’ newest picture book Thank You - a celebration of the little things in life. Followed by a craft session where you can create a collage of some of your favourite things.

Wednesday 3rd April 3pm

What’s at the Bottom of your Garden? - Storytime and Flower Making Workshop

Celebrate the arrival of spring with Benjamin’s Zephaniah’s picture book Nature Trail and find out what’s lurking at the bottom of your garden. We will be crafting paper flowers and bees and you can take home some seeds to plant at home.

Friday 5th April 3pm

Detectives Daily – Storytime and Mystery Solving Session

Have you ever wanted to crack a case? Join us for a reading of The Elephant Detectives before we crack open the new Cluedle and take a shot at solving the mysterious disappearance of the Dumpleton Diamond!

All events are free to attend.