The Commander

The Commander

Hardback Published on: 08/12/2020
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Book Two of The Lyons Saga continues in San Diego where The Captain's Wife left off, with the reunion of Trevor and his mother after a three year separation. His father arrives days later and soon his entire family is reunited. Over the next two months Genevieve and Trevor, accompanied by their friends and families, live a life filled with lavish parties at the Yacht and Beach Club and celebrations of weddings. Then early one morning the family secret is out. After the dramatic events that follow things return to normal until their world crumbles at their feet and they are left standing in the rubble. The United States declares war on Japan.

The entire West Coast goes under a mandatory blackout to protect it from a Japanese invasion targeting bases for all the branches of our military, manufacturing facilities and other strategic locations. Even though it is the holiday season the base in San Diego is filling beyond capacity with men who left their homes to enlist in the Navy.

The New Year is bittersweet as well, because with it comes the day Genevieve has dreaded since she met Trevor, the day of his deployment along with William and Mitch, two men she adores who are married to her nearest and dearest friends. But now it has taken a terrible turn.

  • Publisher: Early Bird Co, LLC
  • ISBN: 9781732893016
  • Number of pages: 488
  • Weight: 816g
  • Dimensions: 229 x 152 x 27 mm

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