Developing Web Information Systems: From Strategy to Implementation
Developing Web Information Systems brings together traditional system development methods that have been taught for many years on information systems and computer science courses with web/e-commerce development. It is the first book to bring together IS development and the web applications in a thorough and systematic way. There is a running case study that illustrates web IS development from start to finish. The case is easy to understand (a theatre) and results in a working web application. Most, if not all, analysis and design texts fall short of making that step into software.
The book draws heavily on practical experiences of web-based IS development resulting from commercial system development, so as well as appealing to students and academics, it will also interest practitioners. The coverage of data management and e-business strategy gives the book the broader scope essential for understanding IS development properly in an Internet context.
- Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology
- ISBN: 9780750657631
- Number of pages: 274
- Weight: 510g
- Dimensions: 244 x 171 mm