Semantics-Oriented Natural Language Processing: Mathematical Models and Algorithms
Gluecklich, die wissen, dass hinter allen Sprachen das Unsaegliche steht. Those are happy who know that behind all languages there is something unsaid Rainer Maria Rilke This book shows in a new way that a solution to a fundamental problem from one scienti?c ?eld can help to ?nd the solutions to important problems emerged in several other ?elds of science and technology. In modern science, the term “Natural Language” denotes the collection of all such languages that every language is used as a primary means of communication by people belonging to any country or any region. So Natural Language (NL) includes, in particular, the English, Russian, and German languages. The applied computer systems processing natural language printed or written texts (NL-texts) or oral speech with respect to the fact that the words are associated with some meanings are called semantics-oriented natural language processing s- tems (NLPSs). On one hand, this book is a snapshot of the current stage of a research p- gram started many years ago and called Integral Formal Semantics (IFS) of NL. The goal of this program has been to develop the formal models and methods he- ing to overcome the dif?culties of logical character associated with the engineering of semantics-oriented NLPSs. The designers of such systems of arbitrary kinds will ?nd in this book the formal means and algorithms being of great help in their work.
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
- ISBN: 9780387729244
- Number of pages: 328
- Dimensions: 240 x 160 mm